
Each episode of The Psychology of Video Games Podcast features a discussion with a different expert on a specific topic about psychology and video games. Guests include those working in academia, the gaming industry, or as consultants.

The easiest way to subscribe to the podcast is to search for “Psychology of Games” in whatever app you use to download and listen to podcasts. Otherwise, here are some useful links:

Here are links to the blog posts for all episodes to date:

32 thoughts on “Podcast

  1. Hi Jamie, just starting listening the podcasts this morning. I think you have done a great job, your topic focus and interview style is really good. Looking forward to more in the future. As an avid gamer, and psychologist, this is exactly the sort of psych based podcast that I was looking for.

    Warm regards


  2. Hello
    I have begun listening to the podcasts, just finished the first one and will definitely continue! It is fascinating and I like the format a lot. Very clear and concise. Thanks.


  3. Pingback: Is Batman hungry? - GeekTechTalk

  4. Pingback: Podcast 11: Video Games and Our Health | The Psychology of Video Games

  5. Pingback: Podcast 12: Video Game Violence | The Psychology of Video Games

  6. Pingback: Give your ears something to do - The Peak

  7. Pingback: Podcast 13: Stress, Games, and Recovery | The Psychology of Video Games

  8. Pingback: Podcast 14: Why People Play Games | The Psychology of Video Games

  9. Pingback: Podcast 15: Simulation Sickness and Virtual Reality | The Psychology of Video Games

  10. Pingback: Podcast 16: The Qualities of Online Relationships | The Psychology of Video Games

  11. Pingback: Podcast 17: Gaming Psychology and Learning | The Psychology of Video Games

  12. Pingback: Podcast 18: Biofeedback and Video Game Design | The Psychology of Video Games

  13. Pingback: Podcast 19: Habit Forming Games | The Psychology of Video Games

  14. Pingback: Isla: Link roundup 8/30/16 | Namespace Studio

  15. Pingback: Podcast 22: Research on Games, Aggression, and Addiction | The Psychology of Video Games

  16. Pingback: The Ultimate Game Dev Reading List - Namespace Studio

  17. Pingback: Полезные материалы для геймдевелопера от A до Z - SmaityDev - блог продакт менеджера

  18. Pingback: Podcast 25: A Parent’s Guide to The Psychology of Video Games | Love.Lift.Levelup

  19. Pingback: Podcast 25: A Parent’s Guide to The Psychology of Video Games | The Psychology of Video Games

  20. Pingback: Podcast 23: Self Determination Theory and Why We Play Games | The Psychology of Video Games

  21. Pingback: Podcast 20: 12 Months of Psychology of Games Posts | The Psychology of Video Games

  22. Pingback: Podcast 26: Moral Combat on Violent Video Games | The Psychology of Video Games

  23. Pingback: Podcast 21: Achievements and Motivation | The Psychology of Video Games

  24. Pingback: Podcast 26: Moral Combat on Violent Video Games | Love.Lift.Levelup

  25. Pingback: Podcast 27: Collecting Things in Video Games | The Psychology of Video Games

  26. Pingback: Podcast 27: Collecting Things in Video Games | Love.Lift.Levelup

  27. Pingback: Podcast 28: How We See Our In-Game Avatars | The Psychology of Video Games

  28. Pingback: Podcast 28: How We See Our In-Game Avatars | Love.Lift.Levelup

  29. Pingback: Podcast 29: Morality and Moral Choices in Video Games | The Psychology of Video Games

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